Die drei Jahre zuvor war es unser gewohntes Prozedere, unmittelbar nach den Presse-Screenings auf die anwesenden Regisseure und ihre Produzenten zuzugehen, um unser Projekt persönlich vorzustellen und um Termine zu bitten. So hatten wir unseren Plan für die komplette Festivalzeit meist bereits am ersten Wochenende zusammengestellt. Zusammen mit Nicole Stecker vom Shorts-Team heckten wir heute ein alternatives Vorgehen aus, um so schnell wie möglich mit der eigentlichen Arbeit an unserer Doku zu beginnen. Jetzt in dieser Sekunde drucken wir die folgende Nachricht an alle für uns dieses Jahr besonders interessanten Shorts-Teilnehmer aus, Nicole wird sich dann freundlicher Weise als Briefträgerin bereitstellen und für uns ein paar Umschläge verteilen. Um trotzdem ein wenig an die alten Traditionen anzuknüpfen, besuchen wir ab morgen auch die drei Tage hintereinander stattfindenden "Filmtalks" (jeweils um 18:00 Uhr) im Arsenal, wo wir den direkten Kontakt zu unseren (hoffentlich) künftigen Interviewpartnern suchen werden.
Folgend haben wir euch unseren Aufforderungsbrief in englischer Sprache reinkopiert, um euch auf diese Weise weiterhin so detailreich wie möglich direkt an der Entstehung des Ganzen teilhaben zu lassen:
We are Short Talks, an annual documentary project about the filmmakers of the Berlinale Shorts. Since 2008 we work closely together with Maike Mia Höhne, Nicole Stecker and the rest of the Berlinale Shorts crew to make this little independent series happen. This year we would really love to have you in our latest edition!
We are Short Talks, an annual documentary project about the filmmakers of the Berlinale Shorts. Since 2008 we work closely together with Maike Mia Höhne, Nicole Stecker and the rest of the Berlinale Shorts crew to make this little independent series happen. This year we would really love to have you in our latest edition!
Please send us suggestions for meetings with you. We will need at least 20 - 30 min. for the shooting. It takes place on location in bars, meeting rooms, cinemas and other places around Potzdamer Platz. If you want to see an example of our work, check out the links at the bottom of this E-Mail.
This whole project is supposed to be more like a relaxed chat than an actual interview, so don't feel (too) stressed about it. We'll stay in Berlin until next month, so if you stay longer here it's also possible to do the interview at another day. We can also totally understand if some of you just don't have enough time to participate in our project, everyone is very busy at festivals like this. But still, we really want all of you to be in this year's "Short Talks"-Movie so we hope we can arrange something in time.
Thanks for your interest in this project. It would be nice if you suggested more than just one possible appointment that fits to your schedule. We think (and kind of hope...) we'll get a lot of feedback and can't promise that the other filmmakers won't come up with the same date as you. And again: It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, we just don't want to miss anyone who's leaving the Berlinale early (like it happened the years before in way too many cases...).
We hope to hear from you soon and thanks again for your attention.
Daniel Pook & Lucien Noé - The "Short Talks" Crew
You can find the last years' editions on YouTube:
This whole project is supposed to be more like a relaxed chat than an actual interview, so don't feel (too) stressed about it. We'll stay in Berlin until next month, so if you stay longer here it's also possible to do the interview at another day. We can also totally understand if some of you just don't have enough time to participate in our project, everyone is very busy at festivals like this. But still, we really want all of you to be in this year's "Short Talks"-Movie so we hope we can arrange something in time.
Thanks for your interest in this project. It would be nice if you suggested more than just one possible appointment that fits to your schedule. We think (and kind of hope...) we'll get a lot of feedback and can't promise that the other filmmakers won't come up with the same date as you. And again: It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow, we just don't want to miss anyone who's leaving the Berlinale early (like it happened the years before in way too many cases...).
We hope to hear from you soon and thanks again for your attention.
Daniel Pook & Lucien Noé - The "Short Talks" Crew
You can find the last years' editions on YouTube:
- Short Talks 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4hLsShVKnk
- Short Talks 2009: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBh1xqw6Y4g
- Short Talks 2008: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmuthl5DJe8